It’s someone’s job to ensure everyone is working in the way they should, and at Meachers that’s Amy Allen, Compliance Manager.
Having joined Meachers in 2008 straight from university during the recession, Amy felt fortunate to join us at a time of expansion and held positions of Landings Administrator and Non-Core Projects Administrator before her current compliance role. “I’ve grown immensely since I started and Meachers has given me the confidence to be who I need to be to do my role which includes speaking to all levels of staff from warehouse operatives to directors.”
Amy’s key responsibilities are maintaining the Meachers’ standards of ISO9001, FORS and FIAS. This includes internal and external auditing, investigations relating to personal injuries, writing and maintaining policies and procedures and working closely with the senior and operations managers to ensure compliance with regulations and Meachers own company policies.
A typical week for Amy consists of auditing one of Meachers’ various departments for quality, health and safety, environmental and ensuring it’s adhering to its own policies and procedures. “Days can vary a lot for me, one day I might be writing a new policy or report and the next risk assessing processes, reviewing safe systems at work and generally policing the business. I also love that sometime I get tasks which don’t fit in other departments but can fit nicely around my role so there’s always lots of variation.”
When asked about her favourite thing about working for Meachers Amy, like many in the Meet Meachers series said the people. “Everyone is different and it’s part of my job to know people and know how to get the most from each individual. I don’t have a favourite thing which stands out since I started at Meachers but I enjoy my role, I’m happy to wake up every morning, come into work and see my colleagues. I hope to be able to do this for a long time.”
Added to this, Amy says in five years’ time “I’ll still be here, doing my job, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.” Amy also showed her support of Meachers wanting the business to continue to grow. “I’d like to see us continue to be a respected name in logistics and a name that our customers can count on for quality, reliability and ready to take on challenges.”
In her spare time, Amy loves nothing more than walking with her husband to enjoy talking without distractions. “We also both love kayaking and catching up with friends over good food and drink.”