Meachers Global Logistics has helped a staff member become a fully qualified transport manager, supporting them through the intensive two-week Transport Manager Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) course.
Darren Vale joined Meachers in 2018 as a traffic planner, before starting his journey to becoming a transport manager a year ago at Meachers’ Nursling site. The CPC course is part of his development into the role.
The course covers all aspects of running a transport company. Vehicle operators with a Standard National or International Operator’s Licence need to have a qualified Transport Manager. Accreditation allows you to be added to a haulier’s operator licence, so passing is a big achievement.
Darren Vale, Transport Manager at Meachers, said:
“The course is two weeks, classroom based, and ends with a two-part exam. It covers many different areas, including legislation, law, accounting, and hazardous goods. They call it the equivalent of an A Level, but learned in two weeks.
“It’s something that I’ve wanted to do for some time, long before joining Meachers, so I’m incredibly grateful to them. They paid for the course and my management team were incredibly supportive, giving me the time off I needed, as they understood what’s involved.”
The qualification will allow Darren to take more control over the day-to-day running of the transport department. He currently manages a team of seven, a mix of administrators and traffic planners who manage drivers at Meachers’ Southampton, Fair Oak and Derby sites.
The course has also piqued his interest in other areas, chiefly reporting and accounting. He now wants to develop his knowledge and understanding of these areas to benefit his department, and the wider business.
Gary Whittle, Commercial Director at Meachers, said:
“A huge congratulations to Darren for achieving his CPC qualification. It has been something that he has wanted to obtain for many years, and we’re delighted that we’ve been able to play a part in helping him to achieve his goal.
“Darren now joins the growing team of people within the business who hold the qualification, and we look forward to supporting him further with his professional development.”
For more information, visit meachersglobal.com