Meachers Global Logistics and Geest Line are supporting the journey of a container of medical supplies to Antigua, to help local charities deliver their work in providing veterinary treatments on the Caribbean island.
Geest Line, which has offices in Antigua and the UK, offered to transport medical supplies and other ‘wish list’ items for Many Tears Animal Rescue from the UK back to Antigua at no cost. Meachers Global Logistics, loaded the container with all the donations and transported it to Portsmouth docks, also free of charge, ready for loading onto the Geest Line container ship ‘Atlantic Klipper’ to reach its destination in the next 12 days.
Wales-based Many Tears Animal Rescue, which rehomes over 3,000 dogs each year, used social media and the press to raise over £8,000 in donations from vets and the public to support Antiguan charities in providing vital veterinary treatment for dogs and other animals along with provision of a spay and neutering service, a key requirement for reducing the local dog population.
The initiative was started by the charity following a holiday to the Caribbean island earlier this year, recognising a need for supplies to support the work of the Ark Veterinary Clinic and Kennels, the Antiguan Spay & Neuter Clinic and the Dogs & Cats of Antigua Animal Foundation. The shipment of supplies will be used to help control the stray dog and cat population in Antigua as well as help and educate owners who can’t afford spaying and neutering procedures.
Southampton-based Meachers Global Logistics consolidates and delivers Geest Line’s Caribbean cargo to and from Portsmouth Docks using its fleet of dedicated vehicles.
Geest Line has been an exclusively Europe-to-Caribbean freight operator for more than 60 years, with weekly westbound sailings from Portsmouth. Its fleet handles a range of general cargo from tiny perishables to large project machinery, returning with Caribbean produce for the UK and European markets.
Sylvia Van Atta, founder of Many Tears Animal Rescue said:
“Vets in Antigua are facing challenges that many European countries have overcome in the past. By sharing our experience, we hope we can help them achieve their goals a little faster and tackle the problem of animals on the streets at the source. We are incredibly grateful to everyone who has supported filling the container of supplies and to Meachers Global Logistics and Geest Line for arranging safe delivery to Antigua. Without these companies none of this would have been possible.”
Dirk Hoffmann, General Manager – Commercial at Geest Line said:
“As a company that has had an office in Antigua for over 50 years, we have a strong connection with the island, and we are passionate about supporting local charitable work. The efforts of Many Tears Animal Rescue in both filling a container with invaluable provisions, and in raising awareness about these important issues, is to be applauded and it is a pleasure to help in the safe passage of the supplies.”
Gary Whittle, Commercial Director, Meachers Global Logistics said:
“Transport and logistics are essential elements in the provision of supplies globally. It is gratifying that through our partnership with Geest Line, Meachers is able to play a part in supporting the supply chain of these important veterinary items for the island of Antigua.”
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