The Green City Charter marks our commitment to making Southampton a cleaner, greener, healthier city that is more sustainable. By working in partnership, Southampton will be a better place for present and future generations that is prepared for the challenges presented by climate change. We will achieve this by ensuring we are ambitious, lead by example and set ourselves challenging goals.
The vision that leads the Green City Charter cannot be achieved without support from partners. Together, we can lead the UK’s efforts to be carbon neutral, live more sustainably and improve quality of life.
The Charter will seek to identify a range of priorities, commitments and expressions of support from a variety of individuals and groups all wishing to deliver far-reaching changes to the city environment. Through the Charter, we want to address some of the most challenging environmental issues and have already made a commitment to see nitrogen dioxide levels experienced by our general population reduced to 25ug/m3 by 2025 and to be carbon neutral by 2030.
We can all make a significant contribution towards helping to make Southampton a cleaner, greener and healthier city through making small changes:
By disposing of waste properly and recycling, reducing the amount we throw away can help the environment
By changing your energy provider to CitizEn Energy, a local energy provider set up by the council, you are signing up to 100% green electricity from renewable sources* while tackling fuel poverty
By walking, cycling or using public transport whenever you can, you will make a huge stride towards travelling sustainably. You will also feel the benefits of being more active. My Journey is your one stop destination for travel information and advice in the Hampshire area
If you need to use a car, then it is important to consider what fuels your car. Electric vehicles have come a long way in recent years and Southampton City Council has installed charge points in its car parks to encourage people to consider using an electric vehicle. You also get a 90% discount of parking season tickets and it is free to cross the Itchen Bridge when you have an electric vehicle.
If you have any questions about the Green City Charter please contact [email protected]
* Our green electricity tariffs are certified as being sourced from UK based wind and solar generators. For every Megawatt hour (MWh) of electricity purchased for our customers, we also purchase a Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin (REGO) certificate, which proves the electricity is certified as being sourced either directly from the renewable generators or through a green wholesale energy provider.